Hello everyone! I'm sorry I couldn't read your lovely blogging lately (I'm doing some catch up). I had the flu. So I had to stay in my room with the AC on (couldn't stay out because of the hot weather). And our internet connection is not wireless. Funny thing about this flu. It seems a virus flu was spread among a lot of people here in Sri lanka. when I say people, I mean children. So hubby couldn't stop laughing at me because I got it too, and I'm 33!
Nevertheless, some progress have been made (the good thing about being forced to stay in bed).
First, I'm trying to finish all the gold metallics on Brilliant butterfly (no pic yet, I will post when it's finished).
Then, I have a confession. I'm completely hooked on Golden kite charts. Actually, I have made a start some month before. But this is going to be huge and the progress is slow. So there is my lifelong project : Indian chess game
And my progress so far (bottom right part of the chart):
Stitched on 22ct oslo with a lot of colours (blended and not).
And finally, I've stitched like a crazy girl on SK Rapunzel. My best friend is coming to visit me soon, and as I know that when she will be here there won't much stitching done. So,
Yeah, it's a page finish! Next page will be out on august. (sorry the pic is bizarrely oriented)
Hello tout le monde! J ai attrape une sorte de gros rhume ici, qui circulait parmi ... les enfants! Mais j ai quand meme bien avance! j ai fini la premiere page de Rapunzel, youpi! Et puis je vous laisse un apercu de mon projet a vie, le jeu d echec indien! Recemment j ai vu un film assez ztupide ma foi mais avec des vues splendides de Paris! Oh Paris! je vous embrasse fort!
Happy stitching!
A bientot mes petits loups
Monday, 4 July 2011
Monday, 20 June 2011
Blog moving - ISHW - New start!
Hello everyone! Thanks for all your kind comments. You make my day every time I read you.
First of all, Bev of my wee stitching blog is moving, and she's having a great giveaway. She was there and now she's here. Go and check on her new stunning blog! have fun!
This week end was the International Stitching Hermit Week end hosted by Joyszee, here. This time, hubby was around and it wasn't easy to be an hermit. He has a lot of friends, very kind. Some came visiting us, bringing delicious pastries. Some were visited by us (can I say that???) giving us delicious food. Well, so I spend more time chatting and eating than stitching. Sorry fellow hermits, but I had a good time, you see ; )
As for the new start business, I may already have told you that the HEAD BB organizes a SAL around a storykeeper. I chose to stitch Rapunzel, artwork by Jasmine Beckett-Griffith, because of the rococo mainly. So last week, I received the first page. And most of it is confettis, because of the rococo! I must do something about my taste.
I've started stitching on it. So there is the first update
I still miss one colour. I hope I will receive it soon to fill some of the blanks.
Then, I frogged the part in Blue bird that I stitched with a wrong colour. Between you and me, I haven't frogged every time the symbol appeared but only big areas of it. Frogging is not easy, in 28 ct it is simply hell!
You have to look at the pink area on the top, that's new! I have no older photo to compare. Being my dreamy usual self, I thought of it only after frogging.
And last but not least, Topaz had some time for her too. I think my other projects are jealous of all the time I spend on her, but she's gorgeous and easy to stitch!
Her left arm can be seen, yeah!
Bonjour tout le monde. je devais ermiter ce week end. Eh ben, c etait pas gagne. Sid est un peu trop populaire, toujours entoure d amis. Pour l usuelle sauvageonne que je suis ce n est pas facile, mais la, c est venu en plein dans mes tentatives de devenir une ermite brodeuse! Pas de bol!
J ai quand meme reussi a point de croiter de ci de la. J ai commence un nouveau projet mais bon j y suis pour rien, j ai ete entraine par le mouvement general sur le forum HEAD. On ne peut rien contre les mouvements de foule, c est connu. J ai fait quelques corrections a Blue bird et surtout j ai ajoute un bras a topaze!
Ici pas de changement, toujours aussi chaud et humide avec l electricite qui vous lache pile au moment le plus chaud de la journee, youpi! sont-ils cruels! heureusement que j ai le balcon et la sublime vue de la mer pour me consoler.
je vous embrasse bien fort.
Happy stitching!
A bientot mes petits loups!
First of all, Bev of my wee stitching blog is moving, and she's having a great giveaway. She was there and now she's here. Go and check on her new stunning blog! have fun!
This week end was the International Stitching Hermit Week end hosted by Joyszee, here. This time, hubby was around and it wasn't easy to be an hermit. He has a lot of friends, very kind. Some came visiting us, bringing delicious pastries. Some were visited by us (can I say that???) giving us delicious food. Well, so I spend more time chatting and eating than stitching. Sorry fellow hermits, but I had a good time, you see ; )
As for the new start business, I may already have told you that the HEAD BB organizes a SAL around a storykeeper. I chose to stitch Rapunzel, artwork by Jasmine Beckett-Griffith, because of the rococo mainly. So last week, I received the first page. And most of it is confettis, because of the rococo! I must do something about my taste.
I've started stitching on it. So there is the first update
I still miss one colour. I hope I will receive it soon to fill some of the blanks.
Then, I frogged the part in Blue bird that I stitched with a wrong colour. Between you and me, I haven't frogged every time the symbol appeared but only big areas of it. Frogging is not easy, in 28 ct it is simply hell!
You have to look at the pink area on the top, that's new! I have no older photo to compare. Being my dreamy usual self, I thought of it only after frogging.
And last but not least, Topaz had some time for her too. I think my other projects are jealous of all the time I spend on her, but she's gorgeous and easy to stitch!
Her left arm can be seen, yeah!
Bonjour tout le monde. je devais ermiter ce week end. Eh ben, c etait pas gagne. Sid est un peu trop populaire, toujours entoure d amis. Pour l usuelle sauvageonne que je suis ce n est pas facile, mais la, c est venu en plein dans mes tentatives de devenir une ermite brodeuse! Pas de bol!
J ai quand meme reussi a point de croiter de ci de la. J ai commence un nouveau projet mais bon j y suis pour rien, j ai ete entraine par le mouvement general sur le forum HEAD. On ne peut rien contre les mouvements de foule, c est connu. J ai fait quelques corrections a Blue bird et surtout j ai ajoute un bras a topaze!
Ici pas de changement, toujours aussi chaud et humide avec l electricite qui vous lache pile au moment le plus chaud de la journee, youpi! sont-ils cruels! heureusement que j ai le balcon et la sublime vue de la mer pour me consoler.
je vous embrasse bien fort.
Happy stitching!
A bientot mes petits loups!
Monday, 13 June 2011
I've been a good girl
Hello everyone! Thanks for your comments on my strange trip to singapore, but I had a good time, so all is well!
Lately, I have been a real good girl. Since I've started HEAD, blogging etc my old projects haven't got as much attention as they deserved.
Last week I've been mostly working on QS Topaz, who is a real darling to stitch. there she is, photo taken after a good evening of stitching (sorry for the yellowish colours). I am almost at her body, yeah!
Even if I would have wished to stitch more on her, I put her aside (it was hard). and I took back Brilliant butterfly. It's a beautiful design but alas, it has two things I don't like that much: half of it is half stitches only and there is a good part to be done with metallic threads. So I suppose this was the reason I've put it aside for a while. But for the last three days I'm working on it, and it has paid off.
The borders are almost all done, there is just the bottom border. The metallic threads will wait for another time. I can feel that this one is going to be finished soon, so hurray! this is supposed to be a gift, so double hurray!
Hubby is still complaining about his phoenix, which has been completely deserted lately. But there is this upcoming SAL start with the HEAD BB, and there is Past Present future waiting for its start, etc. Well, I'm only human, ain't I? ; )
Bonjour tout le monde!
Je suis en train de passer quelques jours chez les parents de Sid, et j ai emmene avec moi toute ma quincaillerie, a tel point que tout le monde me demandait si je comptais m installer definitivement chez eux. C est un endroit magnifique, plein de lacs et au bord de la mer.
Point de vue point de croix, je comptais surtout travailler sur mes papillons, mais bon Topaz est si jolie, etc. Au bout d'une semaine Sid s est moque de moi en disant que j avais encore change d idee! Fichtre! je n allais pas laisser passer un tel affront a mon integrite broudesque! Ni une ni deux, je me suis mise a travailler comme une dechainee et la photo ci dessus vous montre que cela a porte ses fruits. Bon maintenant, je peux le laisser de cote pour retourner a Topaz ou peut-etre commencer quelque chose de nouveau, he he! Il fait froid a Paris, m a-t-on dit. Oh Paris me manque meme avec son froid! Je vous embrasse bien fort!
Happy stitching!
A bientot mes petits loups!
Lately, I have been a real good girl. Since I've started HEAD, blogging etc my old projects haven't got as much attention as they deserved.
Last week I've been mostly working on QS Topaz, who is a real darling to stitch. there she is, photo taken after a good evening of stitching (sorry for the yellowish colours). I am almost at her body, yeah!
Even if I would have wished to stitch more on her, I put her aside (it was hard). and I took back Brilliant butterfly. It's a beautiful design but alas, it has two things I don't like that much: half of it is half stitches only and there is a good part to be done with metallic threads. So I suppose this was the reason I've put it aside for a while. But for the last three days I'm working on it, and it has paid off.
The borders are almost all done, there is just the bottom border. The metallic threads will wait for another time. I can feel that this one is going to be finished soon, so hurray! this is supposed to be a gift, so double hurray!
Hubby is still complaining about his phoenix, which has been completely deserted lately. But there is this upcoming SAL start with the HEAD BB, and there is Past Present future waiting for its start, etc. Well, I'm only human, ain't I? ; )
Bonjour tout le monde!
Je suis en train de passer quelques jours chez les parents de Sid, et j ai emmene avec moi toute ma quincaillerie, a tel point que tout le monde me demandait si je comptais m installer definitivement chez eux. C est un endroit magnifique, plein de lacs et au bord de la mer.
Point de vue point de croix, je comptais surtout travailler sur mes papillons, mais bon Topaz est si jolie, etc. Au bout d'une semaine Sid s est moque de moi en disant que j avais encore change d idee! Fichtre! je n allais pas laisser passer un tel affront a mon integrite broudesque! Ni une ni deux, je me suis mise a travailler comme une dechainee et la photo ci dessus vous montre que cela a porte ses fruits. Bon maintenant, je peux le laisser de cote pour retourner a Topaz ou peut-etre commencer quelque chose de nouveau, he he! Il fait froid a Paris, m a-t-on dit. Oh Paris me manque meme avec son froid! Je vous embrasse bien fort!
Happy stitching!
A bientot mes petits loups!
Monday, 6 June 2011
my head in the clouds
Hi everyone, thanks for all your support!
I think I really have got my head in the clouds, even may have lost it there. why? So let's see, I got a list to prove it. First, I was in singapore lately for four days, and it was great. I love this city, huge and still friendly. People there were just amazing, so kind and everything. and the food was so good! I walked and walked because I really love that. But let's come back to my list.
1. I found there a shop who sells DMC, I was so excited. I had come with a list of numbers to buy. But when I was at the shop, I realized that I forgot my list in the hotel room. So I had to go back the next day
2. They have a beautiful botanic gardens in Singapore. I went there and I wanted to take a lot of photos. I was not even thorough the quarter of it, the battery of my camera was out. So no pictures of the orchid garden!
3. when I came back to the hotel, I tried to charge the battery. Well, I realized that I've taken with me the wrong wire! So no more photos until the end of the journey
4. I've bought some boxes to put my floss neatly. And there I found out that I had inverted two numbers of floss, one of which I've used on the Blue bird. So now I have to frog the wrong colour!
At the end of all this, I just ended laughing and laughing. Such a head I had, really!
On the stitching side, the wizard is really so nice to stitch now. I'm glad I'd restarted it!
And Topaze has gotten some stitching done too.
I hope my head will be back from it journey in the clouds very soon!
bonjour tout le monde! je suis allee passer quelques jours a Singapour. J ai tout simplement adore. Je suis vraiment une fille de la ville. J ai pu marcher et marcher. Les gens sont vraiment adorables aussi! et je ne parle pas de la nourriture, un pur bonheur! Il m est arrive quelques mesaventures: j ai voulu achete du fil, j avais oublie la liste a l hotel; j ai voulu prendre des photos, la batterie m a lachee; j ai voulu recharge la batterie, je me suis rendue compte que le chargeur etait reste au pays; et rentree a la maison, en rangeant mes fils, je me suis apercue que j avais mis une mauvaise couleur sur une bobine et j avais gaiement broder avec, donc a refaire! ou est passee ma tete?
Le fait d avoir vu singapour m a donne le mal du pays. Paris et mes amis me manquent infiniment!
Happy stitching!
A bientot mes petits loups
I think I really have got my head in the clouds, even may have lost it there. why? So let's see, I got a list to prove it. First, I was in singapore lately for four days, and it was great. I love this city, huge and still friendly. People there were just amazing, so kind and everything. and the food was so good! I walked and walked because I really love that. But let's come back to my list.
1. I found there a shop who sells DMC, I was so excited. I had come with a list of numbers to buy. But when I was at the shop, I realized that I forgot my list in the hotel room. So I had to go back the next day
2. They have a beautiful botanic gardens in Singapore. I went there and I wanted to take a lot of photos. I was not even thorough the quarter of it, the battery of my camera was out. So no pictures of the orchid garden!
3. when I came back to the hotel, I tried to charge the battery. Well, I realized that I've taken with me the wrong wire! So no more photos until the end of the journey
4. I've bought some boxes to put my floss neatly. And there I found out that I had inverted two numbers of floss, one of which I've used on the Blue bird. So now I have to frog the wrong colour!
At the end of all this, I just ended laughing and laughing. Such a head I had, really!
On the stitching side, the wizard is really so nice to stitch now. I'm glad I'd restarted it!
And Topaze has gotten some stitching done too.
I hope my head will be back from it journey in the clouds very soon!
bonjour tout le monde! je suis allee passer quelques jours a Singapour. J ai tout simplement adore. Je suis vraiment une fille de la ville. J ai pu marcher et marcher. Les gens sont vraiment adorables aussi! et je ne parle pas de la nourriture, un pur bonheur! Il m est arrive quelques mesaventures: j ai voulu achete du fil, j avais oublie la liste a l hotel; j ai voulu prendre des photos, la batterie m a lachee; j ai voulu recharge la batterie, je me suis rendue compte que le chargeur etait reste au pays; et rentree a la maison, en rangeant mes fils, je me suis apercue que j avais mis une mauvaise couleur sur une bobine et j avais gaiement broder avec, donc a refaire! ou est passee ma tete?
Le fait d avoir vu singapour m a donne le mal du pays. Paris et mes amis me manquent infiniment!
Happy stitching!
A bientot mes petits loups
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Good news, bad news
Hello everyone! thanks for all your comments and for following me. I used to say to hubby that I have to stitch because I owe it to my followers, lol!
So for the good news, QS topaz is a real pleasure to stitch. Maybe it's the 18 ct or the bright colours. Anyway, I can hardly put her down to stitch something else! So there she is
I love her brown-black hair on the pink background
As for the bad news, it's not really that bad. I just have to restart something. Tenting is not for me definitely. Ok it is fast and it looks well. But as i didn't like it, I was always reluctant to stitch on the wizard. Each time I stitch tent, it's like I'm missing my usual tempo. I had also made so many mistakes on it.
All in all, I couldn't decide, because when you put so much work in something, it's hard to throw it away. I asked hubby's opinion. He hadn't the slightest idea (he was thinking that the figure on the bottom right was some kind of flowers. When I told him it was the dead body of the wicked witch of west, I loved the look on his face!). So he flipped a coin and so it was decided, in this very rational way, that I would restart it.
I thought I will do it some weeks later. But it seems I couldn't wait, so i sewed a piece of fabric (i will keep the other one for smaller projects). and I started stitching full crosses this time. And I am happy! No pic yet. But I will show you something as soon as there is something to see!
Hello tout le monde. Comment ca va dans ce si joli mois de mai a Paris, petits veinards! Je suis desolee pour la secheresse, au demeurant. Comme vous pouvez le voir, j ai bien avance sur Topaze.
J ai decide par contre de recommencer le magicien car je me sens plus a l aise avec les petites croix entieres. je mettrai bientot une photo du redemarrage, si tout va bien.
Il faut croire que le cinema indien a des entrees en france car plusieurs films ont pu y etre tournes. Certains a Paris, d autres sur la cote d azur. J avais vraiment besoin de ca. Un des tout derniers films a toute une chanson tournee a paris, autour du louvre, rue de rivoli. Mes larmes se sont mises a couler toutes seules. Je suis vraiment parisienne jusqu au bout des ongles !
Vous me manquez!
Happy stitching
A bientot mes petits loups
So for the good news, QS topaz is a real pleasure to stitch. Maybe it's the 18 ct or the bright colours. Anyway, I can hardly put her down to stitch something else! So there she is
I love her brown-black hair on the pink background
As for the bad news, it's not really that bad. I just have to restart something. Tenting is not for me definitely. Ok it is fast and it looks well. But as i didn't like it, I was always reluctant to stitch on the wizard. Each time I stitch tent, it's like I'm missing my usual tempo. I had also made so many mistakes on it.
All in all, I couldn't decide, because when you put so much work in something, it's hard to throw it away. I asked hubby's opinion. He hadn't the slightest idea (he was thinking that the figure on the bottom right was some kind of flowers. When I told him it was the dead body of the wicked witch of west, I loved the look on his face!). So he flipped a coin and so it was decided, in this very rational way, that I would restart it.
I thought I will do it some weeks later. But it seems I couldn't wait, so i sewed a piece of fabric (i will keep the other one for smaller projects). and I started stitching full crosses this time. And I am happy! No pic yet. But I will show you something as soon as there is something to see!
Hello tout le monde. Comment ca va dans ce si joli mois de mai a Paris, petits veinards! Je suis desolee pour la secheresse, au demeurant. Comme vous pouvez le voir, j ai bien avance sur Topaze.
J ai decide par contre de recommencer le magicien car je me sens plus a l aise avec les petites croix entieres. je mettrai bientot une photo du redemarrage, si tout va bien.
Il faut croire que le cinema indien a des entrees en france car plusieurs films ont pu y etre tournes. Certains a Paris, d autres sur la cote d azur. J avais vraiment besoin de ca. Un des tout derniers films a toute une chanson tournee a paris, autour du louvre, rue de rivoli. Mes larmes se sont mises a couler toutes seules. Je suis vraiment parisienne jusqu au bout des ongles !
Vous me manquez!
Happy stitching
A bientot mes petits loups
Monday, 23 May 2011
Adventures of a would-be hermit
Hello everyone!
This week end, I joined a wonderful group of stitchers (thank you joysze!) for the International Hermit and Stitch Weekend (if you haven't heard about it, you can read more at joysze's place, here). Wonderful idea, isn't it? Try to do nothing but stitching, yeah!
I thought it was a wonderful idea as my hubby was going to a meeting Saturday evening. I was overwhelmed with joy, which in fact wasn't really nice for him. Poor thing, he must have thought that I don't care that much for him. But you stitchers know it has nothing to do with your feelings. Stitching for me is something as important as breathing,laughing, eating, etc.
So I was not pushing him out, but waiting for my stitching hour to come. But ta da, as soon as he was on the road, I kept receiving worried phone calls about my welfare, from friends and family, as it was the first time I was alone here in Sri lanka. And this on Sunday too. these people were so nice, I couldn't really tell them : leave me alone, let me stitch. So I told them I was perfectly OK before going back to stitch. Most of them wouldn't have understood my stitching obsession ;)
Any way, I got some stitching done.
Got back to brilliant butterfly (it was in danger of becoming an UFO), and was glad I did. I stitched two more butterflies, yeah!
My main focus was on blue bird, though, as I've joined the confetti SAL on the HAED BB. Have finished page 2, and page 3 (heaven of confetti) started.
And the one I'm really happy with is QS Topaze, she's so nice to stitch. The pinks are vibrant. I'm almost getting at her hair, hurrah!
So all in all, i had a wonderful time!
Coucou tout le monde. Ce week end je me suis joint a un groupe de brodeuses-ermites. L objectif etait de rester cloitrer chez soi a broder. Ca n a pas ete facile. Au debut, ca tombait bien car Sid devait se rendre a une conference. Je sautillais tellement de joie qu il a du se dire elle est trop contente de se debarasser de moi. Au final, sa famille et ses amis ont passe leur temps a m appeler pour voir si j allais bien, ce qui est en soi adorable. Ok ca me faisait raler! J ai quand meme reussi a pas mal broder, youpi! je suis particulierement contente de mon nouveau projet, il avance bien. vous me manquez beaucoup!
Happy stitching
A bientot les petits loups
This week end, I joined a wonderful group of stitchers (thank you joysze!) for the International Hermit and Stitch Weekend (if you haven't heard about it, you can read more at joysze's place, here). Wonderful idea, isn't it? Try to do nothing but stitching, yeah!
I thought it was a wonderful idea as my hubby was going to a meeting Saturday evening. I was overwhelmed with joy, which in fact wasn't really nice for him. Poor thing, he must have thought that I don't care that much for him. But you stitchers know it has nothing to do with your feelings. Stitching for me is something as important as breathing,laughing, eating, etc.
So I was not pushing him out, but waiting for my stitching hour to come. But ta da, as soon as he was on the road, I kept receiving worried phone calls about my welfare, from friends and family, as it was the first time I was alone here in Sri lanka. And this on Sunday too. these people were so nice, I couldn't really tell them : leave me alone, let me stitch. So I told them I was perfectly OK before going back to stitch. Most of them wouldn't have understood my stitching obsession ;)
Any way, I got some stitching done.
Got back to brilliant butterfly (it was in danger of becoming an UFO), and was glad I did. I stitched two more butterflies, yeah!
My main focus was on blue bird, though, as I've joined the confetti SAL on the HAED BB. Have finished page 2, and page 3 (heaven of confetti) started.
And the one I'm really happy with is QS Topaze, she's so nice to stitch. The pinks are vibrant. I'm almost getting at her hair, hurrah!
So all in all, i had a wonderful time!
Coucou tout le monde. Ce week end je me suis joint a un groupe de brodeuses-ermites. L objectif etait de rester cloitrer chez soi a broder. Ca n a pas ete facile. Au debut, ca tombait bien car Sid devait se rendre a une conference. Je sautillais tellement de joie qu il a du se dire elle est trop contente de se debarasser de moi. Au final, sa famille et ses amis ont passe leur temps a m appeler pour voir si j allais bien, ce qui est en soi adorable. Ok ca me faisait raler! J ai quand meme reussi a pas mal broder, youpi! je suis particulierement contente de mon nouveau projet, il avance bien. vous me manquez beaucoup!
Happy stitching
A bientot les petits loups
Friday, 20 May 2011
Vendredi 20 Mai 2011
hello everyone. Time to post! I couldn't stitch that much these last days. My brother was here visiting. He's my sweet darling. so we were running all over the place without no rest at all.
But it has been some time that I didn't show my progress on the Wizard. I'm such a lazy blogger. I've not yet finished the page 14 (the colors are dark and sometimes tedious to stitch in tent)
The tree is almost finished, luckily and then I can have a go at the sky yipee!
Hum hum, I think I 've started a new piece. Yes, i'm not sure. You see it's a tiny piece : a QS! ok it's Topaz from Dillman's work. i've started her yesterday.
nothing to see yet. Actually I think I'm going to start every chart that I really love too much, life is too short. you can expect more starts in the near future :)
I've signed up for the SK SAL on the HAED BB. I couldn't resist Rapunzel. and I never tried stitching a storykeep. And all of my friends are avid readers. So i was easily convinced.
The only problem is that here in Sri lanka I don't know where to find floss. So I may have to order it online. but I'm not sure of the postal service here either. So we'll see. If anyone passing here know where I can find DMC threads in Sri lanka or in singapore (I'm going there in a few weeks), let me know. Thank you!
bonjour tout le monde! D'abord un tres joyeux anniversaire a la cheftaine (oui voila j ai diffuse la nouvelle sur internet). Avec mon frere a la maison, je n ai pas pu broder bien entendu. Bon en meme temps, entre mon frere et le point de croix, il n y a pas photo. Nous avons passe trois quatre jours a un rhythme frenetique. Et il s'est en aller, snif!
Comme ca fait un bout de temps que je n ai rien montre sur le magicien d oz, vous avez deux photos pour le prix d'une. J en peux plus de cet arbre!
J ai commence un nouvel ouvrage, c est une tres jolie indienne. Et je me suis egalement inscrite pour participer a un "point-de-croitons ensemble" sur un marque-page. Il est trop joli! La vie est trop courte alors j ai decide de commencer tout les modeles que j aime trop.
Mon gros probleme c' est que je ne sais toujours pas ou trouver du fil ici!
Je vous embrasse tous tres fort
happy stitching
a bientot mes petits loups
But it has been some time that I didn't show my progress on the Wizard. I'm such a lazy blogger. I've not yet finished the page 14 (the colors are dark and sometimes tedious to stitch in tent)
The tree is almost finished, luckily and then I can have a go at the sky yipee!
Hum hum, I think I 've started a new piece. Yes, i'm not sure. You see it's a tiny piece : a QS! ok it's Topaz from Dillman's work. i've started her yesterday.
nothing to see yet. Actually I think I'm going to start every chart that I really love too much, life is too short. you can expect more starts in the near future :)
I've signed up for the SK SAL on the HAED BB. I couldn't resist Rapunzel. and I never tried stitching a storykeep. And all of my friends are avid readers. So i was easily convinced.
The only problem is that here in Sri lanka I don't know where to find floss. So I may have to order it online. but I'm not sure of the postal service here either. So we'll see. If anyone passing here know where I can find DMC threads in Sri lanka or in singapore (I'm going there in a few weeks), let me know. Thank you!
bonjour tout le monde! D'abord un tres joyeux anniversaire a la cheftaine (oui voila j ai diffuse la nouvelle sur internet). Avec mon frere a la maison, je n ai pas pu broder bien entendu. Bon en meme temps, entre mon frere et le point de croix, il n y a pas photo. Nous avons passe trois quatre jours a un rhythme frenetique. Et il s'est en aller, snif!
Comme ca fait un bout de temps que je n ai rien montre sur le magicien d oz, vous avez deux photos pour le prix d'une. J en peux plus de cet arbre!
J ai commence un nouvel ouvrage, c est une tres jolie indienne. Et je me suis egalement inscrite pour participer a un "point-de-croitons ensemble" sur un marque-page. Il est trop joli! La vie est trop courte alors j ai decide de commencer tout les modeles que j aime trop.
Mon gros probleme c' est que je ne sais toujours pas ou trouver du fil ici!
Je vous embrasse tous tres fort
happy stitching
a bientot mes petits loups
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Stitching community
Hi everyone!
For so long, I've been stitching alone, with no one to share my passion with. Actually, I do talk about it to non-stitching people, but even the most kind of them tend to find you a little over enthusiastic. and now, with so many blogs to read I find myself lost in an amazing community. Moreover, I've joined the HAED BB, and well I'm usually too shy to participate in any kind of forum. But there, you just feel good.
I want to show you some progress on my Blue bird, page 2 is almost finished. I really love stitching her.
On the non stitching side, I finally got to go to the beach (without any stitching material of any sorts!).
hello la compagnie! Je n arrive toujours pas a croire qu il y ait tant de passionnees de point de croix de par le monde. ok je m en doutais, mais c est toujours bon d en avoir la confirmation. Je passe d'agreables moments a lire les blogs, il sont souvent tres droles. j ai en plus recemment joint un forum de point de croiteuses et c est super!
alors deux photos, l une pour vous montrer le progres fait sur l oiseau bleu, et l autre pour vous prouver que je ne passe pas TOUT MON TEMPS a brouder. enfin presque pas. Je sors tout juste d un bon rhume, pour rentrer dans un mal de gorge. oh fichtre! je vous embrasse bien fort (enfin heureusement que je suis a bonne distance, c est plus prudent pour vous)
Happy stitching
A bientot les petits loups
For so long, I've been stitching alone, with no one to share my passion with. Actually, I do talk about it to non-stitching people, but even the most kind of them tend to find you a little over enthusiastic. and now, with so many blogs to read I find myself lost in an amazing community. Moreover, I've joined the HAED BB, and well I'm usually too shy to participate in any kind of forum. But there, you just feel good.
I want to show you some progress on my Blue bird, page 2 is almost finished. I really love stitching her.
On the non stitching side, I finally got to go to the beach (without any stitching material of any sorts!).
hello la compagnie! Je n arrive toujours pas a croire qu il y ait tant de passionnees de point de croix de par le monde. ok je m en doutais, mais c est toujours bon d en avoir la confirmation. Je passe d'agreables moments a lire les blogs, il sont souvent tres droles. j ai en plus recemment joint un forum de point de croiteuses et c est super!
alors deux photos, l une pour vous montrer le progres fait sur l oiseau bleu, et l autre pour vous prouver que je ne passe pas TOUT MON TEMPS a brouder. enfin presque pas. Je sors tout juste d un bon rhume, pour rentrer dans un mal de gorge. oh fichtre! je vous embrasse bien fort (enfin heureusement que je suis a bonne distance, c est plus prudent pour vous)
Happy stitching
A bientot les petits loups
Sunday, 8 May 2011
hurray! The gap is filled ( a bit )
Hello everyone, hope you're all having a nice time.
I've been stitching hard on the rising phoenix, because I just couldn't stand the gap in my stitching anymore . So I've succeeded to create a bridge on the left, yeah! I was so happy!
There is still a lot to do, so I'm not too sure that I will reach the goal concerning the phoenix. It's ok. Let's enjoy the current success :)
By the way, the coming eight days are supposed to be the hottest ones in sri lanka, so I don't know what it's going to do to my stitching: either it will give me a reason to stay indoors and stitch (yipee!), either i will lay like a lizard all day unable to do anything, or both ;)
bonjour bonjour
Toujours au Sri lanka, je brode, je broude, puis rebrode. Le temps a ete extrement chaud, de plus j ai trouve le moyen d attraper un rhume! Rhume qui refuse de partir, d'ailleurs! J ai fait quelque progres sur le phoenix, j ai reussi a relier les parties, alors je me suis dit: partageons, partageons mon sentiment de contentement! bon, il reste encore beaucoup a faire, mais c est deja pas mal.
Les prochains huit jours sont supposes etre les plus chaud de l annee! je compte prendre un bateau et rejoindre l antartique! Vous me manquez beaucoup beaucoup.
Happy stitching everyone
A bientot mes petits loups!
I've been stitching hard on the rising phoenix, because I just couldn't stand the gap in my stitching anymore . So I've succeeded to create a bridge on the left, yeah! I was so happy!
There is still a lot to do, so I'm not too sure that I will reach the goal concerning the phoenix. It's ok. Let's enjoy the current success :)
By the way, the coming eight days are supposed to be the hottest ones in sri lanka, so I don't know what it's going to do to my stitching: either it will give me a reason to stay indoors and stitch (yipee!), either i will lay like a lizard all day unable to do anything, or both ;)
bonjour bonjour
Toujours au Sri lanka, je brode, je broude, puis rebrode. Le temps a ete extrement chaud, de plus j ai trouve le moyen d attraper un rhume! Rhume qui refuse de partir, d'ailleurs! J ai fait quelque progres sur le phoenix, j ai reussi a relier les parties, alors je me suis dit: partageons, partageons mon sentiment de contentement! bon, il reste encore beaucoup a faire, mais c est deja pas mal.
Les prochains huit jours sont supposes etre les plus chaud de l annee! je compte prendre un bateau et rejoindre l antartique! Vous me manquez beaucoup beaucoup.
Happy stitching everyone
A bientot mes petits loups!
Monday, 2 May 2011
a late update
hi everyone!
Sorry couldn't update last week. I was traveling, and then it was all about taking rest and managing the jet lag. I am in Sri Lanka now. It was rainy the first days, but now it's so hot. I have to restrain myself not to rush back to dear old France. One glimpse of the beautiful sunset sky I had on the first day:
I've tried to stitch a little, but, of course, I have to go and visit wonderful places, meeting great people. It would be such a waste if I don't do so. But I can't help missing my stitching.
I've done some stitching on the rising of phoenix, and some on the wizard of oz.
As it is the beginning of a month, I've been inspired to fix myself some goals. I hope I'm not being too ambitious. So let's say I should:
- finish page 2 of the blue bird (I'm half way through it)
- finish page 14 of the wizard of oz (quite the same)
- fill the gap in the rising of phoenix
And now the reward I should give myself if I do so: start some stitching on Past, Present, Future!
As my french friends are far and i miss them so much, so I will write this in french too maybe not a real translation ( a thing that I've always wanted too but being my usual lazy self... :)
Voila je m'y suis decide. quelque chose que je me promettais de faire depuis longtemps: ecrire une partie en francais, meme si ce n est pas une traduction litterale de la partie anglaise. (pardon pour les accents, ayant un clavier qwerty, je ne sais plus ou ils sont!)
Alors je suis arrivee au Sri lanka, sous la pluie. Du coup la chaleur n'etait pas trop insupportable. Depuis deux jours par contre, la chaleur moite me rend aussi active qu une limace! La premiere photo est une photo que j ai prise du balcon de l appartement ou je vis, le soir de mon arrivee. C est un ciel qui m a fait oublier un temps toute la fatigue du voyage. Je remercie au passage toutes les ames bienveillantes qui m ont fourni mon appareil, qui en plus d etre un rose attractif (au moins pour moi), est absolument merveilleux. Il repond au doigt et a l'oeil (c'est le cas de le dire!).
J ai fait quelque progres point-de-croitesque comme vous pouvez le voir dessus. Mais pas assez, selon mon gout. Des que je visite tous les merveilleux blogs de ces brodeurs surdoues, j ai rellement l impression d etre l escargot du groupe. Je me suis egalement fixe quelques buts, pour faire serieux, et surtout pour pouvoir dire aux gens autour de moi: je me dois a mes objectifs, laissez-moi brouder tranquille! La recompense en sera le debut d un nouvel ouvrage, comme si j en avais besoin!
Voila c est fini! vous me manquez terriblement!
happy stitching everyone
A bientot mes petits loups!
Sorry couldn't update last week. I was traveling, and then it was all about taking rest and managing the jet lag. I am in Sri Lanka now. It was rainy the first days, but now it's so hot. I have to restrain myself not to rush back to dear old France. One glimpse of the beautiful sunset sky I had on the first day:
I've tried to stitch a little, but, of course, I have to go and visit wonderful places, meeting great people. It would be such a waste if I don't do so. But I can't help missing my stitching.
I've done some stitching on the rising of phoenix, and some on the wizard of oz.
As it is the beginning of a month, I've been inspired to fix myself some goals. I hope I'm not being too ambitious. So let's say I should:
- finish page 2 of the blue bird (I'm half way through it)
- finish page 14 of the wizard of oz (quite the same)
- fill the gap in the rising of phoenix
And now the reward I should give myself if I do so: start some stitching on Past, Present, Future!
As my french friends are far and i miss them so much, so I will write this in french too maybe not a real translation ( a thing that I've always wanted too but being my usual lazy self... :)
Voila je m'y suis decide. quelque chose que je me promettais de faire depuis longtemps: ecrire une partie en francais, meme si ce n est pas une traduction litterale de la partie anglaise. (pardon pour les accents, ayant un clavier qwerty, je ne sais plus ou ils sont!)
Alors je suis arrivee au Sri lanka, sous la pluie. Du coup la chaleur n'etait pas trop insupportable. Depuis deux jours par contre, la chaleur moite me rend aussi active qu une limace! La premiere photo est une photo que j ai prise du balcon de l appartement ou je vis, le soir de mon arrivee. C est un ciel qui m a fait oublier un temps toute la fatigue du voyage. Je remercie au passage toutes les ames bienveillantes qui m ont fourni mon appareil, qui en plus d etre un rose attractif (au moins pour moi), est absolument merveilleux. Il repond au doigt et a l'oeil (c'est le cas de le dire!).
J ai fait quelque progres point-de-croitesque comme vous pouvez le voir dessus. Mais pas assez, selon mon gout. Des que je visite tous les merveilleux blogs de ces brodeurs surdoues, j ai rellement l impression d etre l escargot du groupe. Je me suis egalement fixe quelques buts, pour faire serieux, et surtout pour pouvoir dire aux gens autour de moi: je me dois a mes objectifs, laissez-moi brouder tranquille! La recompense en sera le debut d un nouvel ouvrage, comme si j en avais besoin!
Voila c est fini! vous me manquez terriblement!
happy stitching everyone
A bientot mes petits loups!
Monday, 18 April 2011
An update of sorts!
Hi everyone!
The weather is so nice here, quite hot actually. So strange but by hot weather, I cannot stitch that much, my fingers got all moist... ok, I'm just finding myself some excuse because I haven't stitch that much! So what have I been doing except from dozing?
1. Been cooking a little. My brother and friends asked me to cook something. So I made a chicken biryani with some boondi raita, a recipe I found on the net (which I change to my taste). So there it is

2. Been browsing again the HAED website because of their sale: 50% nothing less! so I found this one so beautiful, and I've wanted for some time to stitch something green. And it has became essential because I need something refreshing with this so hot weather!
3. Been stitching a little on Blue bird
By the way, I have two things to show to you: my pride and my shame. Let's begin with my UFO ( I don't consider, as for now, any of my other projects as UFO, if i can't finish them, It's not my fault but because I'm not a witch or a vampire) It is English garden of Teresa Wentzler. I love her designs. I have almost finished every cross stitch in it, but I cannot put myself to do any beading or any special stitching.
On the other side, I am extremely proud of this one. I've designed it myself as a gift to a dear friend. It's a comic character called Agent 212.
So that's all folks! Time to go back stitching!
Happy stitching everyone!
The weather is so nice here, quite hot actually. So strange but by hot weather, I cannot stitch that much, my fingers got all moist... ok, I'm just finding myself some excuse because I haven't stitch that much! So what have I been doing except from dozing?
1. Been cooking a little. My brother and friends asked me to cook something. So I made a chicken biryani with some boondi raita, a recipe I found on the net (which I change to my taste). So there it is
2. Been browsing again the HAED website because of their sale: 50% nothing less! so I found this one so beautiful, and I've wanted for some time to stitch something green. And it has became essential because I need something refreshing with this so hot weather!
3. Been stitching a little on Blue bird
By the way, I have two things to show to you: my pride and my shame. Let's begin with my UFO ( I don't consider, as for now, any of my other projects as UFO, if i can't finish them, It's not my fault but because I'm not a witch or a vampire) It is English garden of Teresa Wentzler. I love her designs. I have almost finished every cross stitch in it, but I cannot put myself to do any beading or any special stitching.
On the other side, I am extremely proud of this one. I've designed it myself as a gift to a dear friend. It's a comic character called Agent 212.
So that's all folks! Time to go back stitching!
Happy stitching everyone!
Monday, 11 April 2011
Beware! the witches are there
Hi everyone! Hope you are all having a nice time, stitching, reading or doing anything you like. I haven't been a good girl, haven't stitched as much as I wanted. But, then I had a wonderful time with my friends eating and walking, enjoying the beautiful weather we had.
But the wizard of oz has a story to tell and can't wait to do so. I've finished the half page at the bottom right :
Finally, great news, I have fallen in love. Completely and desperately. The first time I have set my eyes on it, I know that I want to stitch it. My fingers couldn't wait to get some stitching done on it. Oh HAED what are you doing to me!
But the wizard of oz has a story to tell and can't wait to do so. I've finished the half page at the bottom right :
One wicked witch is dead but the other is waiting just behind the tree to curse our little friends!
The progress on the Blue bird has been slow, so there she is
the colours are great, though. She is really a pleasure to stitch. It seems that since I've finished my first page of her, I'm not overcome with frustration because of the progress being so slow.Finally, great news, I have fallen in love. Completely and desperately. The first time I have set my eyes on it, I know that I want to stitch it. My fingers couldn't wait to get some stitching done on it. Oh HAED what are you doing to me!
It's Past Present Future, artwork of Foxfires. I love the colours. But I won't start it until I've done some more on my current projects! we'll see how much time I can resist it :)
Happy stitching
Monday, 4 April 2011
Update time!
I've decided to update once a week, so I can show some progress. I've been asking myself a tons of questions lately, about my cross stitching. Did I like the fabric I choose? Is the number of threads adequate? at one time, I even thought of starting again Blue Bird: the stitches were so tiny, it seems it couldn't show all the colors used properly. And then I started The wizard of oz with tent stitching, which seems good to begin with. but I end up frogging quite a bit and the back is such a mess. So I'm thinking about gridding, I even bought a washable pen! Well, I got myself a big headache! I've decided to not decide anything for a while! just stitch and take pleasure with it! And you know what: I feel much better now.
So there come the photos:
I haven't done much on Pinocchio, poor thing
I'm really proud of this one: the tent stitching looks great at most of the places
And finally the Blue bird (page one is almost done). I think I'm going to buy me a chocolate treat as soon as I'm done :)
I love browsing other stitchers blogs. They are all doing amazing work. But the problem is I want to do those patterns and kit too! So bad! Restrain yourself anojaa, you're going nowhere like that!
Happy stitching and thanks for looking
So there come the photos:
I haven't done much on Pinocchio, poor thing
I'm really proud of this one: the tent stitching looks great at most of the places
And finally the Blue bird (page one is almost done). I think I'm going to buy me a chocolate treat as soon as I'm done :)
I love browsing other stitchers blogs. They are all doing amazing work. But the problem is I want to do those patterns and kit too! So bad! Restrain yourself anojaa, you're going nowhere like that!
Happy stitching and thanks for looking
Sunday, 27 March 2011
New start!
Hi everyone!
I have been working hard this week. First of all, i wasn't happy with my floss storage. As a consequence, I sorted them out, so they can be more easily found the next time. Actually, it was extremely useful to my new start.
But first, I must be loyal to Blue bird. After two weeks, I'm really enjoying it. The colors came one after the other, and even the confettis didn't bother me that much (well, that might not be the exact truth ;)). There si my progress so far
The first page needs some more work to be finished. But sometimes, I don't know if you feel the same, it takes time to understand the spirit of a project. And it seems that when you find it, it goes so much more easily. I want to be haunted by the Blue bird spirit!
And as for my new start, that's another story. I had decided with my inner self that I wouldn't begin a new HAED without finishing the first page of Blue bird. But it was too hard, I'm weak. So i've started The wizard of oz! I love the film, I have watched it so many times when I was young (even after actually). And for this new start, I decided on an experiment: the tent stitching! The beautiful work of Nina got me convinced. The crafty princess is doing some experiment too and that looks awesome! So I want to give it a try. And after today's work on it, I'm quite happy. It's so fast! and the coverage, even if it isn't perfect, looks great most of the time. So triple hurray for Nina and the Princess.
I have been working hard this week. First of all, i wasn't happy with my floss storage. As a consequence, I sorted them out, so they can be more easily found the next time. Actually, it was extremely useful to my new start.
But first, I must be loyal to Blue bird. After two weeks, I'm really enjoying it. The colors came one after the other, and even the confettis didn't bother me that much (well, that might not be the exact truth ;)). There si my progress so far
The first page needs some more work to be finished. But sometimes, I don't know if you feel the same, it takes time to understand the spirit of a project. And it seems that when you find it, it goes so much more easily. I want to be haunted by the Blue bird spirit!
And as for my new start, that's another story. I had decided with my inner self that I wouldn't begin a new HAED without finishing the first page of Blue bird. But it was too hard, I'm weak. So i've started The wizard of oz! I love the film, I have watched it so many times when I was young (even after actually). And for this new start, I decided on an experiment: the tent stitching! The beautiful work of Nina got me convinced. The crafty princess is doing some experiment too and that looks awesome! So I want to give it a try. And after today's work on it, I'm quite happy. It's so fast! and the coverage, even if it isn't perfect, looks great most of the time. So triple hurray for Nina and the Princess.
By the way, it's on 28 count, stitched with two threads.
Now I think I deserve some stitching on Pinocchio, which seems so much easier after the HAEDs.
Happy stitching!
Monday, 21 March 2011
I have been bad: no stitching done so far, or so few. I was involved with boxes, lifting, bags, climbing, more boxes, pushing, managing, a lot of boxes. Easy guess: I was moving, and back to my parents' house. Seems to me that i'm unstitching my life. But in real life, you never really unstitch anything, you just put more threads in already stitched areas and you make up a new picture.
An update without a photo isn't an update, so there is another finish of mine. The autumn sampler of Janlynn. I intended to do the whole series, but you know what, HAED came my way, and I don't know when I can find the time. But it will come someday, somehow.
Happy stitching!
So no blue bird, no stitching (actually, I manage to grab 1h of stitching very late at night, but I was too tired to do anything good), therefore no update. But I love to chat, so I just come anyway to post something. Why not some planning? I'm usually the queen of plans that I never achieve afterwards. But it is so much fun.
Right now, I'm totally hooked with HAED designs. So I think that I may start a new one or two (you see how much I try to sound cautious...). I love the Gustafson charts. The first ever HAED that I've bought is St nick in his study. But my favourite is The wizard of oz: I've watched the film a dozen of times in my childhood. So as I got the fabric, you may expect a start on it at the end of the week! I feel already so excited.An update without a photo isn't an update, so there is another finish of mine. The autumn sampler of Janlynn. I intended to do the whole series, but you know what, HAED came my way, and I don't know when I can find the time. But it will come someday, somehow.
Happy stitching!
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Stitching addiction, Oh My Blue Bird, 2010 Finishes
My soon-to-be hubby had an interesting thought yesterday evening (he often has actually). As it was 8 pm and I was bidding him good night (it was 0.30 am in sri lanka), he found that I was a little too happy to send him to sleep, he knew that my stitching time has come. So he proclamed that stitching was my secret lover (a good secret really, as I kept on talking about it). After some discussion, he decided that stitching was the husband, and he would be the lover. Whatever, did I say as long as he let me stitching. Sounded funny to me, so I decide to share it with you.
By the way, I’m going to go crazy with the blue bird : it has some 40 colours or so for the first page only ! It’s insane. Well, it is sure to be wonderful when I’m done with it, but meanwhile…snif, snif.
So to cheer me up, I’m going to show one of my finishes of 2010. One of my auntie asked me to stitch her something. She's Pad-mum little sister and I'm very fond of her. She has a wonderful taste and her house looks like something from a magazine (something that I will never achieve I know...). So I have to give her something special, not that every cross stitch project I do isn't special, but it has to suit her taste. At that time, I was stitching/struggling with Oriental Splendour of Dimensions. So i finished it and offered her. i was so happy to see her pleased.
For the record, OS has accomplished the amazing task of making me up with the French Knot. Why do they call that french? I'm french and it didn't help me a bit. So unfair! First, I thought of leaving them undone, but the lilacs in the bouquet without the knots wouldn't have been the same. So, I fought and ...won! In the meantime, my dear friend at work, heard about it a thousand times. And she, who doesn't know the first thing about cross stitching, knows all about the FK!
Enough talk: time for the photos
Happy stitching!
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
My first HAED Oh my god Oh my god
That's it : I'm done! I've started one of the most beautiful designs I've ever seen: it's an Heaven and Earth!It's Blue Bird from Josephine Wall.
Isn't it gorgeous? I love it, really, absolutely. I've started it this week end, couldn't wait, but my oh my, with all those confettis stitches, I can't see a damn thing. So lets' wait. Be patient, my dear. An Haed isn't done in one day (if only, there are so many more of their patterns that I want to do, pfff...)
So there is the beginning:
Sorry for the difference of lighting
happy stitching
That's it : I'm done! I've started one of the most beautiful designs I've ever seen: it's an Heaven and Earth!It's Blue Bird from Josephine Wall.
Isn't it gorgeous? I love it, really, absolutely. I've started it this week end, couldn't wait, but my oh my, with all those confettis stitches, I can't see a damn thing. So lets' wait. Be patient, my dear. An Haed isn't done in one day (if only, there are so many more of their patterns that I want to do, pfff...)
So there is the beginning:
Sorry for the difference of lighting
happy stitching
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Pinocchio wishes upon a star
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Brilliant butterfly celebration
hi everyone!
Just a little post to show you my progress on Brilliant Butterfly celebration from Dimensions Gold collection.
I am an huge fan of Dimensions Gold collection. I've stitched some of their kits already and I love them. I will show you some photos soon.
happy stitching!
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Brilliant Fire Phoenix Bird
When I told my soon to be hubby that i was an avid cross stitcher ( more than once I think), he asked me to stitch a phoenix for him. I was ecstatic for a whole minute, jumping everywhere and so on. And the thought occured to me that I didn't have a phoenix pattern, nor did i remember have seen one yet. He was quite specific : he wanted a phoenix. I love that theme also : i consider myself a phoenix, raising with a smile from the ashes of sorrow when it was the least expected of me. So a phoenix it was to be.
I decided to consult the great doctors of the web, alias doctor google and doctor ebay. There were some choice as this beautiful pattern from Joan elliott (i love her designs). But it wasn’t what i wanted : i looked for a pattern of the raising of the phoenix. Anyway, i couldn’t give up : I consider myself a knight of sorts. (yes i know i was supposed to be a phoenix… but as you will soon understand, i consider myself a lot of things, life is funnier and crazier like that !) i took the challenge and kept looking for it. (actually I could have save me some time if i had taken a look at Heaven and Earth designs for they have beautiful phoenix, but it didn’t occured to me at that time)
And I’ve found it ! just what i was wishing for : a phoenix raising from the ashes, in beautiful shades of yellow, orange and red. So I ordered it. But what a surprise when i received it : i didn’t expected it to be that huge, actually i should have known from the description.
So there is the beast, i’m working on and off on it since october.
Wonderful isn't it?
And there some of my work on it
Why this unstitched gap between the bottom and the middle of the fabric ? well I began by stitching on the middle as i usually do, and then I thought I could finished once and for all with the boring part at the bottom, therefore the gap !
Happy stitching!
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