Tuesday, 15 March 2011

My first HAED Oh my god Oh my god

That's it : I'm done! I've started one of the most beautiful designs I've ever seen: it's an Heaven and Earth!It's Blue Bird from Josephine Wall. 

Isn't it gorgeous? I love it, really, absolutely. I've started it this week end, couldn't wait, but my oh my, with all those confettis stitches, I can't see a damn thing. So lets' wait. Be patient, my dear. An Haed isn't done in one day (if only, there are so many more of their patterns that I want to do, pfff...)
So there is the beginning:

Sorry for the difference of lighting

happy stitching


  1. Wow! Anybody that is willing to attempt a Jo Wall design is amazing. I will love to watch your progress on this HAED chart. What a hair pulling start to what will be a spectacular end. The confetti is what makes these so designs so wonderful, so just take it one stitch at a time.

  2. Thank you again. I can see that now that I'm half through the first page and I'm really happy! By the way, I love your blog, it's so cute. Happy stitching

  3. We have something else in common: my first HAED is "Presence of Gaia" by Josephine Wall. Unfortunately, I haven't done a lot of stitching on it lately. I just moved and there is still so much to do. But there will be better times.


  4. It's looking brilliant, but isn't it just so daunting when you start it?
    I've started two since the beginning of year (I may actually be mad) and I absolutely love them, and I know they're going to looking brilliant when they're done.
    Hope you're enjoying it!
