Monday, 20 June 2011

Blog moving - ISHW - New start!

Hello everyone! Thanks for all your kind comments. You make my day every time I read you.

First of all, Bev of my wee stitching blog is moving, and she's having a great giveaway. She was there  and now she's here. Go and check on her new stunning blog! have fun!

This week end was the International Stitching Hermit Week end hosted by Joyszee, here. This time, hubby was around and it wasn't easy to be an hermit. He has a lot of friends, very kind. Some came visiting us, bringing delicious pastries. Some were visited by us (can I say that???) giving us delicious food. Well, so I spend more time chatting and eating than stitching. Sorry fellow hermits, but I had a good time, you see ; )
As for the new start business, I may already have told you that the HEAD BB organizes a SAL around a storykeeper. I chose to stitch Rapunzel, artwork by Jasmine Beckett-Griffith, because of the rococo mainly. So last week, I received the first page. And most of it is confettis, because of the rococo! I must do something about my taste.
I've started stitching on it. So there is the first update
I still miss one colour. I hope I will receive it soon to fill some of the blanks.
Then, I frogged the part in Blue bird that I stitched with a wrong colour. Between you and me, I haven't frogged every time the symbol appeared but only big areas of it. Frogging is not easy,  in 28 ct it is simply hell!
You have to look at the pink area on the top, that's new! I have no older photo to compare. Being my dreamy usual self, I thought of it only after frogging.

And last but not least, Topaz had some time for her too. I think my other projects are jealous of all the time I spend on her, but she's gorgeous and easy to stitch!
Her left arm can be seen, yeah!

Bonjour tout le monde. je devais ermiter ce week end. Eh ben, c etait pas gagne. Sid est un peu trop populaire, toujours entoure d amis. Pour l usuelle sauvageonne que je suis ce n est pas facile, mais la, c est venu en plein dans mes tentatives de devenir une ermite brodeuse! Pas de bol!
J ai quand meme reussi a point de croiter de ci de la. J ai commence un nouveau projet mais bon j y suis pour rien, j ai ete entraine par le mouvement general sur le forum HEAD. On ne peut rien contre les mouvements de foule, c est connu. J ai fait quelques corrections a Blue bird et surtout j ai ajoute un bras a topaze!
Ici pas de changement, toujours aussi chaud et humide avec l electricite qui vous lache pile au moment le plus chaud de la journee, youpi! sont-ils cruels! heureusement que j ai le balcon et la sublime vue de la mer pour me consoler.
je vous embrasse bien fort.

Happy stitching!
A bientot mes petits loups!

Monday, 13 June 2011

I've been a good girl

 Hello everyone! Thanks for your comments on my strange trip to singapore, but I had a good time, so all is well!

Lately, I have been a real good girl. Since I've started HEAD, blogging etc my old projects haven't got as much attention as they deserved.
Last week I've been mostly working on QS Topaz, who is a real darling to stitch. there she is, photo taken after a good evening of stitching (sorry for the yellowish colours). I am almost at her body, yeah!

Even if I would have wished to stitch more on her, I put her aside (it was hard). and I took back Brilliant butterfly. It's a beautiful design but alas, it has two things I don't like that much: half of it is half stitches only and there is a good part to be done with metallic threads. So I suppose this was the reason I've put it aside for a while. But for the last three days I'm working on it, and it has paid off.
The borders are almost all done, there is just the bottom border. The metallic threads will wait for another time. I can feel that this one is going to be finished soon, so hurray! this is supposed to be a gift, so double hurray!
Hubby is still complaining about his phoenix, which has been completely deserted lately. But there is this upcoming SAL start with the HEAD BB, and there is Past Present future waiting for its start, etc. Well, I'm only human, ain't I? ; )

Bonjour tout le monde!
Je suis en train de passer quelques jours chez les parents de Sid, et j ai emmene avec moi toute ma quincaillerie, a tel point que tout le monde me demandait si je comptais m installer definitivement chez eux. C est un endroit magnifique, plein de lacs et au bord de la mer.
Point de vue point de croix, je comptais surtout travailler sur mes papillons, mais bon Topaz est si jolie, etc. Au bout d'une semaine Sid s est moque de moi en disant que j avais encore change d idee! Fichtre! je n allais pas laisser passer un tel affront a mon integrite broudesque! Ni une ni deux, je me suis mise a travailler comme une dechainee et la photo ci dessus vous montre que cela a porte ses fruits. Bon maintenant, je peux le laisser de cote pour retourner a Topaz ou peut-etre commencer quelque chose de nouveau, he he! Il fait froid a Paris, m a-t-on dit. Oh Paris me manque meme avec son froid! Je vous embrasse bien fort!

Happy stitching!
A bientot mes petits loups!

Monday, 6 June 2011

my head in the clouds

 Hi everyone, thanks for all your support!
I think I really have got my head in the clouds, even may have lost it there. why? So let's see, I got a list to prove it. First, I was in singapore lately for four days, and it was great. I love this city, huge and still friendly. People there were just amazing, so kind and everything. and the food was so good! I walked and walked because I really love that. But let's come back to my list.
1. I found there a shop who sells DMC, I was so excited. I had come with a list of numbers to buy. But when I was at the shop, I realized that I forgot my list in the hotel room. So I had to go back the next day
2. They have a beautiful botanic gardens in Singapore. I went there and I wanted to take a lot of photos. I was not even thorough the quarter of it, the battery of my camera was out. So no pictures of the orchid garden!
3. when I came back to the hotel, I tried to charge the battery. Well, I realized that I've taken with me the wrong wire! So no more photos until the end of the journey
4. I've bought some boxes to put my floss neatly. And there I found out that I had inverted two numbers of floss, one of which I've used on the Blue bird. So now I have to frog the wrong colour!
At the end of all this, I just ended laughing and laughing. Such a head I had, really!

On the stitching side, the wizard is really so nice to stitch now. I'm glad I'd restarted it!
And Topaze has gotten some stitching done too.
I hope my head will be back from it journey in the clouds very soon!

bonjour tout le monde! je suis allee passer quelques jours a Singapour. J ai tout simplement adore. Je suis vraiment une fille de la ville. J ai pu marcher et marcher. Les gens sont vraiment adorables aussi! et je ne parle pas de la nourriture, un pur bonheur! Il m est arrive quelques mesaventures: j ai voulu achete du fil, j avais oublie la liste a l hotel; j ai voulu prendre des photos, la batterie m a lachee; j ai voulu recharge la batterie, je me suis rendue compte que le chargeur etait reste au pays; et rentree a la maison, en rangeant mes fils, je me suis apercue que j avais mis une mauvaise couleur sur une bobine et j avais gaiement broder avec, donc a refaire! ou est passee ma tete?
Le fait d avoir vu singapour m a donne le mal du pays. Paris et mes amis me manquent infiniment!

Happy stitching!
A bientot mes petits loups